The Analysis of Avascular Necrosis after Closed Reduction of Developmental Dislocation of Hip 发育性髋脱位保守治疗后股骨头坏死的分析
For partial reduction cases of atlantoaxial dislocation, C2 pedicle screws are helpful to further reduction that another anterior surgery may be avoided. 对部分复位者,C2椎弓根螺钉有助于进一步复位,避免了再次前路手术。
The Simple and Fast Manipulation of the Reduction of Shoulder Dislocation ( with 37 case Report) 简易快速复位各型肩关节脱位(附37例报告)
Appreciation of Close Reduction of 112 Cases with Congenital Dislocation of the HIP-joint 应用闭合复位法治疗先天性髋关节脱位112例体会
Closed manipulation reduction of hip dislocation following total hip arthroplasty Modified Kocher procedure for the treatment of shoulder dislocation 手法复位治疗全髋置换术后的关节脱位改良Kocher复位法整复肩关节脱位
Manoeuver of Forward Elevated Traction for the Reduction of Anterior Dislocation of Shoulder 手臂上举牵引整复外伤性肩关节前脱位
Objective: To observe the clinical characteristics of femoral head necrosis caused by a thick teres ligament in close reduction of developmental dislocation of the hip ( DDH) and to probe its pathological mechanism. 目的:观察发育性髋脱位复位后粗大圆韧带所致股骨头坏死的临床特点,探讨其机理。
A comparison of the closed reduction of arytenoid dislocation under indirect and direct laryngoscope 经间接喉镜和直接喉镜杓状软骨拨动术的比较研究
Spinal Cord Injury Secondary to the Reduction of Cervical Spine Dislocation 颈椎脱位复位后继发脊髓损伤
Objective To observe the disc and spinal cord injury before and after closed traction reduction of cervical spine dislocation. 目的观察颈椎小关节突脱位闭合复位前后椎间盘和脊髓的损伤变化。
Group B cost little reduction time, had higher rate of reduction and patient felt no pain, intravenous propofol was the best method of anesthesia in reduction of shoulder joint dislocation. 静脉丙泊酚麻醉下复位时间短,在完全无痛下复位,一次复位成功率高,是肩关节脱位复位首选的麻醉方法。
A New Reduction Way of Temporomandibular Joint Anterior Dislocation Extraoral 颞下颌关节前脱位的改良口外手法复位
The surgical management of the dislocated intraocular lens Reduction of the posterior dislocation of the elbow by one person 脱位人工晶状体的手术处理单人整复肘关节后脱位
The collateral circulation is in large part disturbed when brachial artery is injuried in association with the elbow dislocation that results in insufficient blood supply to the distal part of the extremity, necessitating primary repair of the artery after reduction of the dislocation. 肘关节脱位合并肱动脉损伤时肘部侧支循环多已受到不同程度的破坏,难以保证远端充足供血,故治疗上肘关节复位后应争取I期修复动脉。
Conclusions TARP is an ideal surgical method for atlantoaxial dislocation caused old dens fracture or other factors because TARP can accomplish reduction and fixation of atlantoaxial dislocation at one stage. 结论经口咽前路寰枢椎复位钢板系统一次完成寰枢椎脱位的复位和固定,是治疗陈旧性齿状突骨折造成的寰枢椎脱位以及其他原因引起的难复型寰枢椎脱位较为理想的手术方法。
Conclusion Zero position traction and fixation are effective for reduction of A-C joint dislocation. 结论(1)Zero位牵引与固定是治疗肩锁关节脱位的一种有效的非手术治疗方法。
Simple manual reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder joint 介绍肩关节前脱位的简易复位法
Reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder joint with compression of knee for traction, abduction and post-extension of shoulder 外展后伸膝压牵引法整复肩关节前脱位
A New Posterior Method for Inspection of Reduction of Sacroiliac Joint Dislocation 检查骶髂关节脱位复位情况的一种新的后路方法
Preservation of fragmentary anterior root by orthodontics protraction A New Reduction Way of Temporomandibular Joint Anterior Dislocation Extraoral 正畸牵引法保存前牙残根颞下颌关节前脱位的改良口外手法复位
Closed Reduction of Lower Cervical Spine Dislocation with High Weight Skull Traction 大重量颅骨牵引复位下颈椎小关节突脱位的机理
Results: There were significant differences in X-ray exposure frequency, operative time, hemorragic volume and complication between improvement and tradition method, but it was no significant difference in reduction effect of fracture and dislocation between them. 结果:经过技术改进后的方法较传统方法对骨折脱位的复位效果无明显差异,而两者在X线曝光次数、手术时间、出血量及并发症等方面存在显著性差异。
Operative Management of Difficult Reduction of Centeral Dislocation-fractures of the Hip 难复的髋关节中心性脱位骨折手术治疗商榷
Reduction of shoulder joint dislocation by crooking elbow traction in sitting posture 屈肘坐位牵引法治疗肩关节前脱位
There were 28 cases with complete reduction of fracture and dislocation, 2 cases in incomplete reduction. 颈椎完全复位28例,不完全复位2例。
Closed Reduction of Cervical Spine Dislocation 颈椎脱位的闭合复位
In the surgical treatment of the dislocation of the atlantoaxial, the reduction methods of the difficult-reducing dislocation, the intraoperative residual dislocation of the reducible dislocation and the intraoperative re-dislocation of the reducible dislocation were some of the urgent problems. 寰枢椎脱位的外科治疗中,难复性脱位的复位方法、可复性脱位的术中残余脱位以及可复性脱位复位后术中再脱位是亟待解决的几个问题。